Trasee cicloturistice finanțate prin PNRR - Componenta 11 (PI1)

Cycling route


Within the Intervention Priority 1 - Mixed routes, 5 projects are financed (a total of 10 funding applications were submitted), as follows:
  1.  C11-PI1-5. EuroVelo route 6 Mehedinti-Dolj-Olt with the following partners: UAT CJ Dolj (partnership leader), UAT CJ Mehedinți and UAT CJ Olt (the route has 356 km);
  2. C11-PI1-8. By bike through the west - cycling route with the following partners: UAT CJ Timiș (partnership leader), UAT CJ Arad, UAT CJ Caraș-Severin and UAT CJ Hunedoara (the route has 1729 km);
  3. C11-PI1-9. Velo Apuseni with the following partners: UAT CJ Bihor (partnership leader), UAT CJ Cluj and UAT CJ Alba (the route has 227 km);
  4. C11-PI1-10. Cycle tourism in the Lower Danube with the following partners: UAT CJ Călărași (partnership leader), UAT CJ Giurgiu, UAT CJ Ilfov and UAT CJ Constanța (the route has 693 km);
  5. C11-PI1-15. Implementation of 3.000 km of cycling routes at national level with the following partners: UAT CJ Suceava (partnership leader), UAT CJ Bistrița-Năsăud and UAT CJ Mureș (the route has 494 km).