Trasee cicloturistice finanțate prin PNRR - Componenta 11 (PI2)
Cycling route
Within the Intervention Priority 2 - Routes on dikes for the development of cycling routes on the dams of the watercourses administered by the National Administration "Romanian Waters" (NARW), 7 projects are financed, as follows:
C11-PI2-2: Rehabilitation of the crown of the defense dams and the creation of the infrastructure for cycling routes in B.H. Crișuri (ABA Crișuri);
C11-PI2-3: Cyclotourist route Timiș river bridge left bank, Albina section - Serbian border (ABA Banat);
C11-PI2-4: Dam development works for the creation of cycling routes in Harghita county (ABA Olt);
C11-PI2-5: Rehabilitation of the crown of the defense dams and the creation of the infrastructure of the cycling route on
Sântana de Mureș - Târgu Mureș - Sâncraiu de Mureș - Cristești sector, Mureș county (ABA Mureș);
C11-PI2-6: Rehabilitation of the crown of the defense dike and the creation of the infrastructure of the cycling route on the Felnac sector, Arad – Cenad county, Timiș county (ABA Mureș);
C11-PI2-7: Rehabilitation of the crown of the defense dams and the creation of the infrastructure of cycling routes on the Solovastru - Reghin - Petelea sector, Mureș county (ABA Mureș);
C11-PI2-8: Rehabilitation of the crown of the defense dams and creation of the infrastructure of the cycling route on the Zăval-Bechet sector, Dolj county (ABA Jiu).
C11-PI2-2: Rehabilitation of the crown of the defense dams and the creation of the infrastructure for cycling routes in B.H. Crișuri (ABA Crișuri);
C11-PI2-3: Cyclotourist route Timiș river bridge left bank, Albina section - Serbian border (ABA Banat);
C11-PI2-4: Dam development works for the creation of cycling routes in Harghita county (ABA Olt);
C11-PI2-5: Rehabilitation of the crown of the defense dams and the creation of the infrastructure of the cycling route on
Sântana de Mureș - Târgu Mureș - Sâncraiu de Mureș - Cristești sector, Mureș county (ABA Mureș);
C11-PI2-6: Rehabilitation of the crown of the defense dike and the creation of the infrastructure of the cycling route on the Felnac sector, Arad – Cenad county, Timiș county (ABA Mureș);
C11-PI2-7: Rehabilitation of the crown of the defense dams and the creation of the infrastructure of cycling routes on the Solovastru - Reghin - Petelea sector, Mureș county (ABA Mureș);
C11-PI2-8: Rehabilitation of the crown of the defense dams and creation of the infrastructure of the cycling route on the Zăval-Bechet sector, Dolj county (ABA Jiu).